Wan -万 Jiang 江, town, 20min from Dongguan city center.
“You can not miss the place, go over the bride, on the right side of the road. Big place, easy to find”.
So with these directions I head out to weave a path through, about 200 million folks .. you get the idea .. couple of phone calls .. one U turn and there IT IS.......
The central tea market .. too much sensory input.
A little over, Four Hundred, co-located tea stores. Main business is wholesale, with walk in customers accommodated.
I’m not going to try and edit this post .. so here are a bunch of pics .. With some comments ..
Looks like this guy found some Pu-erh to his taste. Load up the truck!

Typical of the shops selling Pu-erh .. about 90% of tea for sale is Pu-erh!

A mixed bag of buildings .. again with retail on ground floors and family life above.

Street(s) coming alive, as the customers arrive.

This turned out to be a fascinating shop .. specialising in tea pots
http://www.hdhy.com.cn/ Check out their web site.

You need to have tea before you do any business.....

An interesting set-up, very well crafted .. I liked it except the tray .. 1,600 RMB
If you like this set: Pot, 4 cups .. asking 10,000 RMB

Fun place with lots to see .....

View as I sampled my tea .... Pictures of what I bought, later.
(2 pots)
And there are two shops specializing in tables and wood craft items ...
A delivery was in process of being unloaded.

Packing material is interesting .. similar to wet-suit rubber
1 comment:
whoa! thanks for the pics,
holly **** that is alot of tea shops. i wish i was there, WITH LOTS OF CASH!
do they sell 'small' amounts of tea 1-2 kg or just by the ton?
do you know is all this tea China produces for chinese consumption?
do they have good prices or you have to negotiate?
are there problems if you bring kilos of dry tea leaf in luggage to the USA -do they confiscate or tax it
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