Sunday, September 30, 2007

Epicurean Delight.

As most friends know, given a choice, its Hunan/Hubei style cooking that I pick.
Hunan style restaurants; here in Dongguan we have plenty.
From late night street vendors to Chinese gourmet restaurants and everything in-between.

Many world capitals are awash with “celebrity chefs” offering over priced Bills of Fare.
Here in Dongguan, the last thing you would look for or even expect to find is a “World Class Western Style Restaurant."
That is unless you know about the very recently opened:
“Copper Grill” discreetly located in the Hyatt Regency Dongguan.

Executive Chef, Carl Duggan (Yorkshire lad with 19+ years in Hong Kong and China)
Executive Sous Chef, Mark Biddle (an Aussie from Newcastle)

What can I say ..
From: Beijing to Shanghai to Taipei to Hong Kong to Singapore -
last night in the Copper Grill I enjoyed, simply the BEST western style meal in all of my 20+ years in this region.

The food: even the most discriminating gourmand would be more than satisfied.
The restaurant: open wood fire ovens, first class wine cellar all build to surprisingly high standards. (this is Dongguan China).
The staff: professional in every way.
Menu: nothing intimidating or pretentious, just great food.

As a side note: the other restaurants in the hotel, are a credit to Carl and his excellent staff.

Gordon Ramsey (fellow Scot) eat your heart out ....

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