Monday, December 18, 2017

Creating alternate tea storage ideas.

Lead up / backstory ……………

It’s probable ever since we had Tea we have had a need for Tea Caddies. Growing up in Scotland and literally having a score of Aunties, tea caddies were ubiquities and varied. Indian black tea was the primary tea being stored and served.

In addition we had a fair umber of Hong Kong Chinese families settled in an around Ayrshire. Going to Primary and Secondary school with the kids of Chinese family's I had early exposure to Guangdong / Hong Kong – Cantonese style of tea culture. Needless to say Scottish tea culture (stretching the use of “Culture”)  is vastly different to those of China … pause for nostalgic laugh

Having a sizable collection of Chinese teas allows me the opportunity to amass a number of tea caddies.  I have a thought of using the design and proportions of a Buddhist Alter, proportioned for use in the home, as a starting point for a new caddie.

Yes we are inching toward the metric system SmileCouple of examples below.  Updates to come as the endeavor progresses.buddhist-altarbuddhist-altar-051 Watch is VERY interesting YT video from an extremely down to earth & talented Kiwi woodworker: A Buddhist Altar,


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