Lead up / backstory ……………
It’s probable ever since we had Tea we have had a need for Tea Caddies. Growing up in Scotland and literally having a score of Aunties, tea caddies were ubiquities and varied. Indian black tea was the primary tea being stored and served.
In addition we had a fair umber of Hong Kong Chinese families settled in an around Ayrshire. Going to Primary and Secondary school with the kids of Chinese family's I had early exposure to Guangdong / Hong Kong – Cantonese style of tea culture. Needless to say Scottish tea culture (stretching the use of “Culture”) is vastly different to those of China … pause for nostalgic laugh
Having a sizable collection of Chinese teas allows me the opportunity to amass a number of tea caddies. I have a thought of using the design and proportions of a Buddhist Alter, proportioned for use in the home, as a starting point for a new caddie.
Yes we are inching toward the metric system Couple of examples below. Updates to come as the endeavor progresses.
Watch is VERY interesting YT video from an extremely down to earth & talented Kiwi woodworker: A Buddhist Altar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otvEJVPgKyA
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