Saturday, September 26, 2009

Such a high price, a cup of tea.

excerpt from: The Dog who Came in from the Cold

MI6 (images of 007 etc etc) ….. the sort of papers these people dealt with certainly could not be left lying about for the prying eyes of cleaners who might have been recruited by the other side. And it would be very easy, he reckoned, to recruit a cleaner; their weakness was tea, and they could doubtless be tempted by a large cup of Darjeeling …”DSC03047 


TamLi said...

some days i would sell my soul for a cup of tea

小 約翰 said...

That's Ok for you Li, you have two :) john

Anonymous said...

A cleaner? Tempted by tea. I'm not sure what that book is about but I know I could be tempted by cups of certain kinds of tea. --Teaternity

小 約翰 said...

Ah, the great British institution: “The Cleaners” whose who enter the uninhabited work place and “Clean” the daily detritus of others. I’m afraid it only hits home to a Brit .. some things just don’t make it across the pond. john