Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday - Part III -- Special Order

After all this tea-isum .. time to eat.
We change our plans and abandon the ChaShan visit and head back to Dongguan city.
Long story .. short version:
There are 4 tea shops on the 2nd floor of our favorite DongCheng shopping center. One is Mrs Yangs (The BEST) of them tends to carry products of "Good / Taiwan" quality but the asking prices are extravagant to say the least. On items I tested their prices are double that of the same products in other local shops (one needs to know where to look) this shopping center sees a lot of foreigners (Hong Kongers -Taiwanese - Singaporeans - Westerners etc.)
In the "expensive shop" I see the Granite tea table I MUST have .. asking 3,600 RMB.. Too much .. Beautiful .. but too much .. Hell the Scottish Parliament would pull my passport if I knowingly paid twice the price .. so hence the "PLAN"
The black granite table with dark red supports ...
Exquisite carving detail ..
A lustful look through the window .. just like an 8 year old with his pocket money
Now the cunning plan "Me Lord" .. Armed with pictures I walk the twenty seven steps to consult with Mrs Yang .. She thinks she can get me the same table from her source .. we estimate the cost added 200-300 RMB profit (Depending on actual cost) now I'll wait and see if she can get one ...
Yes .. I bought tea .. but more on that later ...

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hope she comes back with a trully credible Scottish offer as that table is SCREAMING by me John. Keep me posted LOL.
Love me