A good start to the day
Toast and Marmalade, complimented by Pu-erh tea. Now that may not be all that nutritious, but, it does wonders for the mind.
Marmalade, not home made, but a satisfactory facsimile, produced by: .
Hero, a Swiss company, founded in 1886, headquartered in Lenzburg. A great find here in South China
The key is in the Knife, NEVER repeat NEVER use a sharp knife to dispense jams or jellies. This from the book of all books: “How to do everything right” by my Granny.
Perfectly toasted bread.
The correctly curved and dull edged knife will safely extract the marmalade, without making it bleed. .. Try it some time, use a sharp knife, cut your jam and just watch it bleed. (use a small tea spoon as a substitute)
All this and a mild Pu-erh to kick start the day ....
My sweet tooth is in pain, a fabulous posting. Talk to you latter love me
haha, thats great dad, "how to do everything right by my granny" haha
Hi guys good hearing from you both.
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