Sunday, June 26, 2011

Asia Bail Out: … Hello Monterey (nice trade)

Having printed my boarding pass and about to board 883 to Hong Kong, when I had to abort, revamp / re-schedule basically rearrange the ripple effect.

Matt and Jenny Lee (Singapore based) are now in the US.

I made a return trip to Santa Clara via a long weekend in Monterey.  Robbie made this trip with me. After 4 weeks diving in tropical waters she dove the COLD waters of No. Cal .. Extremely Beautiful but Cooooold water off Monterey and Carmel.. That’s why they invented Dry-Suits.

Sunday, Second day of diving. 7:30am the boat docks.MDB2Robbie, first to sign-in.MDB1Famous for its rugged coast line, Monterey Bay, Central Californian Coast LineMCL2MCL3MCL1The GREAT Coastal Rock Decorator:MCL7An old Lighthouse stands a lonely vigil, sending its piercing, but silent light.MCL4A fallen guardian, coastal life is hard.MCL5Modern adventurers, looking and hoping …MCL6sccl2Spending more time in SC,  I managed to organize my temporary HowffSC cube layout j2SC cube layout j1Good thing about this area, no shortage of VERY good Chinese food …IMG-20110621-00013IMG-20110621-00011IMG-20110621-00012


Robin said...

Fantastic article and even more fantastic 'my great Birthday gift' diving Monterey. Thank you dear!

David Lau said...

These travel tea set ups are awesome!

Bay Area Chinese food is pretty good. It almost measures up to LA :P

小 約翰 said...

Hi David, even in LA you have to go east to Monterey Park .. john