Saturday, January 01, 2011

1-1-11 and Closing out the year

Saturday 6:00 am and a moon sliver lights the trail, a perfect morning for a run.IMG00011-20110101-0618 After a 50-50 mix of Pu-Erh and “Old TGY” time to “finish” a tea-tray. I had to set up a small heat tent, the ambient temp was just too low for applying finish.DSC01167Working a treat, the heat tent helped finish this small, but rewarding project.  All set for an inaugural brew. DSC01171cDSC01173c

Friday, 12/31/10, Sub-Zero last night gave us some windscreen frost .. Robbie & I head south to San Clemente for breakfast. The morning yielded a bright sunny day with no wind .. about mid 50”s (F) perfect to squeeze in a project that will straddle 2010 and 2011.

A new Tea Table (茶几 Cha Ji) for my office. This size will be better suited to cohabitation with various other office/desk sundries. I’m looking for; simplicity of design that is easy to make, without complex set-ups to produce a sloped surface that drains and directs water to the overflow well.DSC01162DSC01161


Kolko said...


I like the simplicity of your new tea tray. I have similar plans but I cannot find the metal part for the overflow. Can you send a link where can you buy these?


小 約翰 said...

Pipe (tubing) fittings can be found at any hardware store. john